Student Code of Conduct
So, you're part of a learning community. Now what?
Being part of a learning community means acknowledging the rights we have as members of that community. It also means recognizing the responsibilities we have towards each other and the learning community as a whole. Along with those rights and responsibilities, it’s important to remember that as Wildcats we strive to live our core PRIDE attributes. Living these core attributes will help us create an environment where we’re able to fulfill our commitment to prepare every student for the realities of college and/or career.
We believe Perseverance means that we work to realize our potential, focus on our goals, and demonstrate grit
We believe Respect means that we will listen with an open mind, embrace the differences in others, and look for the good in everyone
We believe Integrity means that do what we say & say what we do, do the right thing even when no one is looking, and we honor our commitments
We believe Dependability means we give our best effort bell to bell, develop skills to be prepared and organized, and are reliable
We believe Encouragement means we build courage in others and acknowledge their effort, practice giving thanks and showing appreciation, and work to stay positive
From experience ...
... we know that if we each pay attention to living the attributes noted here, we’ll not have to worry about the student discipline process. However, we also understand that young adults make mistakes. The following sections outline how school adults will work with students who struggle to follow the student code of conduct for our learning community.
Overall, our student discipline process will aim at helping students:
take accountability for their actions
take advantage of opportunities to “make it right”
change their behavior to that positively supports our learning community.
Table of Contents
Reporting: Be part of the solution ...
Who should report and how?
All Wildcats have an obligation to help maintain a safe, supportive campus. Thank you for being part of the solution by reporting any issues that need to be addressed.
Reports can be made in-person to any trusted adult at school. Students, families, or any member of the community at large - can also report at any time of day or night by connecting with school officials through the Vector Alert system using the web, email, phone, or text. Reporting in either fashion is always confidential. Reporting through Vector Alert can be done anonymously.
Regardless of how you choose to report, we strongly encourage you to also report to a trusted adult at home. This makes sure school and home are on the same page.
Tik-Tok. Snapchat. Instagram. Can't I report that way?
While we appreciate the ever-evolving digital connections afforded us by technology, posting a concern to social media is not the same as reporting to a trusted adult at school or at home - OR - reporting through the Vector Alert system.
In order to address and resolve concerns, the information you share needs to be readily accessible to school staff who are in a position to investigate and support all parties in finding a solution.
Believe it or not, we don't follow you on Insta, so when you post there, we can't see it. In fact, posting the concern on social media often makes the situation worse for the entire learning community while simultaneously not providing an avenue to a solution.
Campus Expectations
Where do school rules apply?
As as heads up, student behavior expectations apply in the following situations:
On or near school grounds before school, during school, and after school hours.
At all sporting events and student activities, regardless of the time of day the activity takes place
On or near the school grounds at any other time when the school is being used by a school group.
Off the school grounds at a school activity, function, event, and/or bus stops, including travel to and from school.
Security Gates and Student Entry
Main Entry - Doorbell
All exterior doors and gates will automatically lock based on our school schedule. All visitors and any late-arriving students will need to use the doorbell at the main entrance to be able to come into the building. Visitors will need to stop in at the main office to check in after entering the building.
The safety and security of our MSHS community - students and staff - is always our top priority. Our electronically controlled security gates are programmed to allow student entry based on our daily schedule. These gates are designed to be open for student arrival, and then to remain secured for the rest of the day.
Q: Can I prop the gates open? - No. It is neither safe nor appropriate to prop gates open. Remember, we are attempting to direct all visitors and late arriving students to the main entrance.
Q: Can I let a friend or adult in? - No. Students who belong on campus will be able to check-in through the main office without a problem. Adults who belong on campus will have key cards that allow them to unlock the gates on their own. No adult should be asking us to open a locked gate.
At no time should we let others in through these gates when they are locked. Opening the gates - even to friends or other adults you believe should be on our campus - significantly decreases safety and increases the likelihood of potential harm.
And asking your buddy to let you in a gate when it's locked is a jerk move and puts them in a bad spot. Swing over to the main office. We're happy to help!
Q: Where can I exit if I need to leave early? - If you're a Running Start or Sno-Isle student leaving campus at your designated time, you have permission and may leave through the closest, most convenient gate.
Once school has started, all other students who have a reason to leave campus, need to checkout through the main office.
Closed Campus
Mount Si is a closed campus. This means that only persons who have legitimate business at the school are allowed on campus during the regular school day. It also means that upon arrival, students must remain on the school campus until the end of the regular day unless given permission to leave in accordance with School District Policy 3242.
This also means that students may not loiter/visit in the student parking lot or in any cars parked off campus during the school day. If you have a need to get something from your car in the parking lot during the day, please connect with the main office to find a solution.
Students may not leave campus during lunch without written parent/guardian permission & principal approval. If a student leaves campus without permission and return to campus, behaviors while off campus are subject to student code of conduct and could face appropriate disciplinary actions.
What about food deliveries?
Unfortunately, food deliveries from outside companies aren't allowed. If you forgot your lunch, and mom or dad need to bring it, no problem. Until then, save your Uber Eats / Grub Hub money for after school or the weekends.
Our bathroom facilities are intended to support student learning. In general, they are clean, well-lit places in good repair that afford students an opportunity to take care of personal hygiene in a timely fashion and return to the main purpose of MSHS: student learning. The following protocols will help us maintain the restrooms as private places to care for personal needs:
Use a hall pass and sign out using the physical sign-out sheet your teacher has in the classroom whenever leaving the classroom during class time. Your teacher will only let one student use the restroom at a time.
One person per stall.
Report any damage, disrepair, supply outages, or suspicious behavior to the nearest adult as soon as possible.
You can always report anonymously and confidentially by texting 360.587.4726, or by using this link.
Skateboards, Scooters, Bicycles, etc.
You're more than welcome to use skateboards, scooters, bikes, etc., off campus. They may not be used on the high school campus at any time during the day or night. If a student finds that they cannot keep themselves from using these items on campus, the item may be confiscated until a parent/guardian is able to come and pick it up.
Student Code of Conduct
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity speaks to a student’s commitment and responsibility to pursue scholarship openly and honestly. It respects the concept that learning is the primary purpose of education, secondary to grades and credits. Academic Dishonesty is defined as any action(s) that may result in creating an unfair academic advantage for oneself or an unfair academic advantage or disadvantage for any other student. A student shall not attempt to earn credit or receive a grade for coursework (tests, quizzes, assignments, projects, essays) in a manner other than defined by each instructor in their syllabus.
Academic Integrity violations may include, but are not limited to:
Cheating – using notes or other materials without a teacher’s permission on tests and assignments.
Collusion – partnering with another student to engage in academic dishonesty, as in allowing one’s work to be copied or submitted for assessment by another.
Distribution - Obtaining and sharing of class assignments or test information from another student without teacher permission
Plagiarizing - The use of another’s words ideas, data, or product without permission and/or citation, including the inappropriate use of A.I.
Technology Malpractice – Any misuse of private or public technology to acquire an advantage
Our teachers will support your learning and guide you on when it is appropriate to use A.I. and in what manner. Use of A.I. outside of their established expectations can be an Academic Integrrity violation as noted above.
Student will:
Examine their behavior related to the academic dishonesty.
Redo the assessment / assignment per the teacher policy.
Meet with admin by alpha, be reflective and own their behavior.
Teacher will:
Communicate with student and family regarding the incident.
Review what took place and examine all the details from the incident to ensure an objective and equitable process.
Communicate the redo option available for the student to both student, family and admin.
Complete the MTSS referral form if they choose for admin by alpha to be involved in the situation.
Administration will:
Respond to the details from the teacher.
Follow up on the investigation with student, as necessary.
Communicate with student and family if teacher chooses to complete the referral form and enter discipline in Skyward.
Personal Telecommunication Devices
Personal Telecommunication Devices including, but not limited to cellular/wireless phones, airpods/headphones, photographic and/or video devices, smartwatches) that may interfere with the academic learning environment will not be allowed during instructional time. All students will be expected to put their personal telecommunication devices away in backpacks, lockers, or a designated area of the classroom. Students will still be permitted to have access to their personal telecommunication devices before and after school, passing period, and during lunches.
What happens if I use a personal telecommunication devices when I'm not supposed to?
Generally speaking, your teacher will remind you of their expectations around electronic use in the classroom. If those expectations are not met, the teacher has the option to send your device to the main office.
When your device is sent to the office, you can expect it to stay there for the rest of the day.
If your device is sent to the office on more than one occasion, you can expect that your parent/guardian will need to come to school and retrieve that device.
Multiple occurrences of your device being sent to the office because of an inability to follow in-class expectations will result in a conversation with an administrator where appropriate discipline will be applied.
The best way to avoid these interventions is to act responsibly with your device. Learning how to do so now, is a great habit to take with you into the workforce and college.
For student non-compliance (refusing to hand over their personal telecommunication device and/or disruptive and/or disrespectful behavior), the staff member may either send the student to the main office with the device or call the main office/security for assistance. More intense student interventions would apply in these cases.
Dress and Appearance
Mount Si High School’s dress code is designed to support equitable educational access and is written in a manner that does not reinforce or increase marginalization or oppression of any group based on race, sex, gender (identity or expression), sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, cultural observance, household income, or body type/size. The purposes of this standard are reflective of the local community and are to:
Help students be college and career ready.
Reduce potential distractions while increasing opportunities for learning.
Differentiate social dress/behavior from professional and career dress/behavior.
School dress standards set a tone, which reinforces the learning environment and school culture. As such, student dress and grooming - whether during the school day or at school-related events - will promote a clean, safe, and positive learning environment.
The dress code is divided into three sections: what students must wear, what students may wear, and what students may NOT wear.
Must Wear
Every student must wear:
A shirt with fabric* on the front, back, and sides under the arms AND
Pants/jeans or the equivalent - for example: a skirt, dress, shorts, leggings, sweatpants, etc.), AND
Shoes that are appropriate to the students educational setting (e.g., open toed shoes in a welding class are NOT a good idea).
*Fabric covering the body’s private parts and underwear must not be see through. Clothes must be worn in way such that private parts of the body are fully covered at all times. With the exception of waistbands and bra straps, undergarments must not be visible and must be covered with opaque fabric.
May Wear
Every student may wear:
hats and hoodies (with the hood up) in such a way that allows the face to be visible to staff (it's a safety thing)
tank tops and halter tops - even those with spaghetti straps - if the majority of the front and the majority of the back of the torso are both covered and do not show undergarments (except bra straps and waistbands)
sheer (see through) fabric as part of their outfit as long as the fabric covering undergarments and private parts of the body is opaque (not see through)
ripped jeans, as long as underwear and buttocks are not exposed
May NOT Wear
To support the learning environment, promote school safety, and enhance overall school culture, students may not wear:
Any clothing that reveals visible undergarments (visible waistbands and visible straps are allowed)
Swimsuits (except as required in class or athletic practice)
Accessories that could be considered dangerous or could be used as a weapon
Any item that obscures the face (except as a religious observance)
Clothing (or other items) that promote or reference alcohol, tobacco, drugs, weapons, violent language or images, hate speech, profanity, or that contains pornography or sexual innuendo.
Clothing or other personal items that have been recognized by MSHS administration as implying a student’s gang affiliation or gang lifestyle. Additionally, students who identify themselves as gang-affiliated (or who are identified as such by law enforcement officials) may have additional clothing restrictions established by administration.
These guidelines are not intended to be an exhaustive list of do’s and don’ts. MSHS administration and security retain the right to identify other factors that they deem to be a concern for student safety or an interruption of a positive college and career ready learning environment.
Students whose appearance is not in line with the dress code will be addressed separately - generally away from other students - so as to respect the dignity of the individual. At this point, the student will be asked to remedy the situation. Usually, there are three options that can easily address the concern:
Students will be asked to put on their own alternative clothing, if already available at school, to be dressed more to standard for the remainder of the day.
Students will be provided with temporary school clothing to be dressed more to standard for the remainder of the day.
If necessary, the student’s parent(s) may be called during the school day to bring alternative clothing for the student to wear for the remainder of the day.
Alcohol, Drugs & Other Illegal Substances
Washington State law states that any student suspected of being under the influence of, in possession of, or soliciting for use or sale of drugs, drug paraphernalia, alcohol, and other illegal substances will face significant consequences including but not limited to suspension, emergency expulsions.
As as heads up, student behavior expectations apply in the following situations:
On or near school grounds before school, during school, and after school hours.
At all sporting events and student activities, regardless of the time of day the activity takes place.
On or near the school grounds at any other time when the school is being used by a school group.
Off the school grounds at a school activity, function, event, athletic events and/or bus stops, including travel to and from school.
Assault, Threats, Physical Contact/Aggression, Fighting, Promoting a Fight, Encouraging a Fight, Recording a Fight
Students making serious verbal, electronic, and/or written threats of physical harm toward themselves or others may be subject to emergency expulsion. Emergency expulsion may be reduced when the school receives a satisfactory report from a mental health professional and/or other mandated protocols (i.e. Risk Assessment Team Evaluation, administrative approval) have been followed.
Students who choose to be bystanders and record a fight are also subject to disciplinary action in the same way someone who encourages a fight. AT MSHS, every member of our school community carries an expectation to help keep our campus safe, and to immediately report any unsafe behavior.
Failure to Comply
Students must obey the lawful instructions and reasonable requests of school district personnel at school, during the day, and at all school sponsored events. This includes the right by MSHS personnel to confiscate electronic devices being used inappropriately. All students must, upon request, identify themselves to proper school authorities in school building, on the school grounds, or at school sponsored events. Being defiant, disrespectful and being disruptive is may result in either a minor or major consequence depending on the specific incident and the level of disruption.
Hazing includes, but is not limited to, any ritual or tradition that endangers the mental health, physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of initiation a person into a group. This can be on or off campus, and often victims of hazing are willing participants. Hazing is prohibited. In many instances, hazing would be considered a safety concern and could result in extensive discipline consequences.
Gang Intimidation / Activity
If hazing occurs by is an organized / recognized group of criminals according to law enforcement, it can be considered gang intimidation / activity.
Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION, AND BULLYING POLICY (HIB): SVSD is committed to a safe and civil educational environment for all students, employees, volunteers and parents/legal guardians that is free from harassment, intimidation or bullying. It is a violation of District Policy/Procedure 3207 for a student to be harassed, intimidated, or bullied by others in the school community, at school-sponsored events, or when such actions create a substantial disruption to the educational process.
If your child feels they have been harassed or bullied, the incident(s) should be reported immediately to a teacher, counselor, or administrator either in person or through the text line at 360-587-4726, by email to the appropriate Assistant Principal or by completing a HIB Incident Reporting Form. Students bullied on the bus may report information to the Transportation Director. Please visit the Snoqualmie Valley School District's Legal and Official Notices page for more information.
Harassment, intimidation, or bullying can be defined as an intentional electronic, written, verbal, or physical act that:
Physically harms a student or damages the student’s property.
Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education.
Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment.
Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.
MSHS Staff and Administration will follow the policy and procedures set forth in School Board Policy #3207 if a harassment incident is reported.
Profanity/ Obscene Gestures/ Lewd Behavior
Profanity/lewd behavior are defined as behavior that goes beyond generally accepted rules of common courtesy, common decency, and common sense. Profanity is not allowed on school grounds or at any school function.
Sexual Harassment /
Sexually Inappropriate Conduct
Students and staff are protected against sexual harassment / sexually inappropriate conduct by anyone in any school program or activity. This includes anywhere on the school campus, on school busses, during all off-campus, school-sponsored activity, regardless of the time or day the activity takes place.
The term sexual harassment / sexually inappropriate conduct may include:
acts of sexual violence;
unwelcome sexual or gender-directed conduct or communication that interferes with an individual’s educational performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment;
unwelcome sexual advances;
unwelcome requests for sexual favors;
sexual demands when submission is a stated or implied condition of obtaining an educational benefit;
sexual demands where submission or rejection is a factor in an academic, or other school-related decision affecting an individual.
You can report sexual harassment to any school staff member. Please visit the Snoqualmie Valley School District's Legal and Official Notices page for more information.
Theft / Robbery
If it is not yours, do the right thing by turning it into the main office. Taking / forcefully taking or knowingly being in possession of district property or the property of others without permission could lead to school discipline and/or involve law enforcement.
Tobacco, Nicotine Products, and Delivery Devices (Vape Devices)
Like all public schools, we're a tobacco/nicotine free campus. Possession or use of any tobacco, nicotine, or delivery device products, or related paraphernalia is prohibited on or near school district property, on or near MSHS or at any school-sponsored events, regardless of the time of day the activity occurs. This shall include all district buildings, grounds and district-owned vehicles such as school buses.
What counts as a tobacco or nicotine product? Tobacco and nicotine products and delivery devices include, but are not limited to: cigarettes, cigars, snuff/chew, smoking tobacco, smokeless tobacco, nicotine, liquid nicotine, electronic smoking/vapor devices (and related paraphernalia), "vapor pens," non-prescribed inhalers, nicotine delivery devices or chemicals that are not FDA-approved to help people quit using tobacco, devices that produce the same flavor or physical effect of nicotine substances and any other smoking equipment, device, material, or innovation.
Any tobacco items confiscated by school officials will not be returned to the student or the family.
The use of any tobacco or nicotine products on school grounds is prohibited by State law. Students are subject to discipline for violations of this policy. The use of nicotine reduction therapies (NRTs) such as patches or gum require medical documentation and are supervised as described in the Health Services section.
If you or someone you know is struggling to kick a nicotine or related habit, chat with any school adult. SVSD partners with Friends of Youth to support students who are struggling with addiction.
Video Surveillance
The Snoqualmie Valley School District supports the use of video cameras throughout the school district to preserve district assets, enhance school safety and security for students and staff, and allow visitors access to district buildings. Security cameras are installed in public areas throughout district buildings, grounds and school buses. This supports the District’s goals to foster a safe and secure teaching and learning environment, to ensure public safety for community members who visit or use school property, and to diminish the potential for personal or district loss or destruction of property. (Policy 6608)
State laws (RCW 28A.600.420 and RCW 9.41.280) and District Policy (4210) prohibit any student from possessing a weapon or weapon look-alike on school district property or at any school related event. Violating this policy by possessing any weapon will result in immediate referral to legal authorities, parent notification, and expulsion from school. Possession of a weapon look-alike on school property will be dealt with based on the circumstances of the situation, and discipline responses may include a long-term suspension.
Mount Si High School is a Gun-Free Zone.
Students who violate our District’s Policy #4210 will be subject to discipline that includes a one-year mandatory expulsion for firearms, in accordance with RCW 28A.600.010.
School officials shall notify the student’s parents or guardians and the appropriate law enforcement agency of known or suspected violations of this policy.
The superintendent, or designee, may modify the one-year expulsion on a case by case basis.
I made a mistake. Now what?
For starters, you're not the first to make a mistake, and you're not going to be the last. Our promise to everyone is that we'll make the safety of the larger learning community our number one priority.
After that, we promise to work with you to make sure you're taking accountability for your actions, making it right, and ultimately helping you make changes to your behavior so you can get out into the world of career or college and be successful.
Potential Student Discipline Interventions
Mount Si High School and the Snoqualmie Valley School District are committed to providing a positive and orderly learning environment for all students. As such, MSHS discipline is reasonable, consistent, and progressive. Students who do not change behaviors in response to teachers, counseling/counselors, or administrative interventions (such as detention, behavior/attendance contracts, in or out of school suspension, or parent conferences, etc.) and continue to violate the student code of conduct may forfeit their right to attend MSHS. Furthermore, MSHS administrators are obligated and certified to consider a change in academic placement for students who consistently struggle to be successful in light of discipline, behavioral issues, or lack of academic progress in their current setting.
The following are definitions of some possible discipline interventions students may experience at MSHS:
Informal talk – Discussion between school adult and student and/or parent/legal guardian
Admin Conference – Formal conference between school adult and student
Classroom Exclusion – Exclusion of a student from a classroom or instructional area/activity for behavioral violations that disrupt the educational process
Detention: Assignment of student to supervised study at lunch or after school.
Parent Contact: Telephone call or letter to legal guardian
Friday School: Assignment to Friday supervised study for two and a half hours (1:00 pm to 3:30 pm)
In-School Suspension: Temporary removal of student from regular classes for all or portion of their day
Short-term Suspension: Temporary removal of student from attending school and school activities. Short-term suspension can last for a maximum of ten (10) school days.
Long-term Suspension: Removal of the student from attending school and school activities. Long-term suspension can last a maximum of one (1) semester or 90 school days.
Emergency Removal: Removal of the students for up to 10 days for due to immediate and continuing danger to other students or school personnel; or (b) An immediate and continuing threat of material and substantial disruption of the educational process.
Expulsion: Denial of the student of the right to attend school and school activities for the length of an academic term (up to 90 days)
Search and Seizure
Students possess the right of privacy of person as well as freedom from unreasonable search and seizure of property. MSHS administration have the authority to conduct a search when they determine to have "reasonable suspicion" that a student is in possession of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, weapons or any other item that students are not allowed to have at school. Illegal substances and paraphernalia (based on state law) will not be returned to families. District Policy #3230 (Student Privacy and Searches) may be obtained at any school.
Authority to Conduct a Search
The law allows school authorities to search students, their lockers, their motor vehicles and personal property when they have a reasonable suspicion that a particular student is in possession of something prohibited by the law or school rules or is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Law enforcement may be contacted if a search yields illegal items (such as drugs, alcohol, weapons).
Vehicle, Locker, Desk, Storage Area Inspections, All lockers and other storage areas provided for student use while at school and are subject to be searched if a building administrator or designee develops reasonable suspicion that a student is in possession of any item in violation of school or district rules and/or violates state law.
School staff has a duty to ensure student safety. Refusal to be searched will be considered an assumption of guilt for the alleged misconduct.
Criminal Activities
Criminal Activities
If a student's actions violate the law, local law enforcement will be contacted.
Committing or participating in activities which are among those defined as criminal under the laws of the State of Washington and King County, in schools, on school property, at school sponsored events, regardless of the time of day the event occurs, is prohibited. Appropriate corrective action (long term suspension or expulsion proceedings) will be taken against those who commit such crimes regardless of whether or not criminal charges result.
The Department of Social and Health Services and/or Child Protective Services may be contacted in cases of abuse or assault. If the victim is 18 or older and developmentally disabled, Adult Protective Services may be called.
Law enforcement officials will be notified of any criminal activity.
Examples of Criminal Activities include, but are not limited to:
arson, assault, burglary/theft, dangerous weapons, explosives, extortion, blackmail, or coercion, firearms, gang paraphernalia, lasers, malicious mischief, possession of drugs, alcohol and/or paraphernalia, or being under the influence of drugs and or alcohol, sexting, unlawful assembly, unlawful interference/intimidation with school authorities.
A complete copy of District Policy #3240- Student Conduct and other related policies may be obtained at any school.